The first human-cat relationship was estimated to take place about 9,500-years ago . Scientists discovered human and cat skeletons laying close together Neolithic grave in Shillourokambos, Cyprus.
Ancient Egyptians believed that the cat (“ Mau “) was sacred. They have the ability to control rodents and other vermin. Egyptians especially enjoyed the fact that they could kill cobras.
Anywho, cats are cool. And if you’re crazy about cats… These tattoos are right up your alley:
Of course, the cat family is rather large. Domestic cats aside: lions, tigers, jaguars and such all belong to the big cat family.
This is probably a good time to plug the fact that bigs cats are in danger. Big cat populations are decreasing as human populations and industrial activities are encroaching on their natural habitats.
Many big cats also suffer the plight of captivity. It’s been estimated that over 10,000 big cats are kept captive by private owners. Many of these captive big cats are kept in inadequate, or outright inhumane, conditions.